Keeping the elderly entertained at family gatherings
Having a family gathering is a wonderful occasion, one which an elderly person might look forward to for weeks as they get to see and interact with family members they might not have seen for a long time. But it might be hard to know how to keep an elderly person entertained, especially if they can’t run around with the children like they used to.
We’ve put together some helpful tips on entertaining the elderly during family gatherings below:
Let them help with the cooking
Ask an elderly relative or friend at a gathering to help with the meal preparation or other simple kitchen jobs. This is great for making them feel included and the whole family can even get involved, with each one having a special job.
Get the photo album out
Getting the family photo albums out is a brilliant way to help an elderly person remember and reminisce, and if there are younger members of the family around, they can tell them the stories behind the photos. There’s bound to be a funny photo that everyone can laugh at too.
Go for a walk
While the dinner’s cooking, why not go for a family walk? A change of scenery can benefit everyone’s mood. Older relatives may need assistance and may not be able to stay out too long or go too far.
Play some family games
If there’s some family games you particularly enjoy, you can get an elderly relative or friend involved. Younger members of the family can even let them try out a game on a mobile phone or tablet. Alternatively, you can stick to a good, old fashioned puzzle or game of cards, anything that will help get people talking and involved.