What to do when an elderly person falls

If you’ve been a regular reader of our blogs, you would have seen our advice on preventing trips and falls around an elderly loved-one’s home, but what should you do if you are present at your loved-one’s home and they do have a fall? This is something our caregivers are trained for, so we have got some of their expert advice to help you:

If you’re present when an elderly person falls in their home, the most important thing to do is to stay calm. It’s also important to keep the person who has fallen calm too. You should assess the situation and carefully check to see if they are injured. If they are, call the emergency services immediately and they will talk you through what to do while you wait. We would suggest making sure the individual involved is kept warm by covering them with a towel/blanket/coat, kept still and, also, that you keep talking to them.

Even if there are no visible injuries, it is important to still call the emergency services as there could be an underlying/internal injury and they should always be checked over by a professional.

Once emergency services arrive they will be able to assess the situation and determine whether they n

eed to go to hospital or not.

Once home from the hospital or if they have been deemed ok to remain at home, it’s important to still keep an eye on them for signs of tiredness, nausea and any concussion-like symptoms. You should make sure they are well fed and hydrated and not experiencing shock.

If possible, it’s a good idea to have a panic button or personal alarm installed in case no-one is around when your loved-one does have a fall. Alarm pendants and bracelets are also a good idea for your relative to wear at all times.

You should ensure there are phones installed in as many rooms as possible and that the speed dials are pre-set with emergency contact numbers too.

It is also a good idea to make sure neighbours have a key for emergencies and safe keeping.