We’re supporting ‘hidden’ carers for National Dementia Carers’ Day

We are showing our support and helping to raise awareness about the importance of society’s ‘hidden’ carers as part of National Dementia Carers’ Day this month (September, 2018).

National Dementia Carers’ Day, part of World Alzheimer’s Month, takes place on September 9 and recognises and celebrates informal dementia carers, while highlighting what it means to be a carer.

Here at Abacare we employ hundreds of dementia carers who all work tirelessly in their roles to provide care for service users in the community, however we are all well aware that there are thousands of ‘hidden’ carers out there who are providing care for loved-ones and don’t receive recognition or even payment for what they do.

The focus of National Dementia Carers’ Day is to spread awareness and show support for all those carers, so we’re offering them any help and advice they may need, all they need to do is get in touch. Our expert staff will be happy to chat to them about caring roles and share experiences and tips and generally offer any support they can.

If any ‘hidden’ carers would like to know more about our respite care services or our dementia and live-in care services in order to take the pressure off themselves, they can give us a call.

National Dementia Carers’ Day is now in its fourth year and support organisations, charities and community groups are being urged to get behind the campaign by spreading awareness and helping to signpost sources of advice and support using #NDCD18.

The day is part of World Alzheimer’s Month, which will highlight the importance of early detection and diagnosis of dementia.

According to the Alzheimer’s Society, there are currently 850,000 people with dementia in the UK, with numbers set to rise to more than one million by 2025. One in six people over the age of 80 have dementia.

More than 225,000 people will develop dementia this year, which is one every three minutes.