Feeling lonely during lockdown

If you live alone, it is completely understandable that you might be feeling lonely at the moment.


It’s natural when you’re feeling lonely to seek comfort from others, but with social distancing rules, this is difficult.

According to the Campaign to End Loneliness, there are 1.2 million chronically lonely older people in the UK. The number of over-50s experiencing loneliness is set to reach two million by 2025/6.

If you can, pick up the telephone and call a family member or friend.

If that’s not possible, you can follow some of our top tips for helping keep loneliness at bay during the lockdown:

One step at a time

If the prospect of another day on your own is daunting, try to take it one step at a time. It might help to make a plan of the day or the next few hours at least. Write down what you want to get done and tick the tasks off the list as you go.

Set achievable goals

As part of your plan for the day, it might be nice to set yourself a goal. This could be something as simple as cooking a meal or clearing out a cupboard or wardrobe.

Be creative

A great way to take your mind off things is to express yourself and be creative. You could write a journal each day or have a go at drawing or painting. Now is a great time to explore any new hobbies you’d like to take up or pick up old ones again.


You are allowed to leave your house for daily exercise, so use this time to get some fresh air and a change of environment. This can be great for your mindset and is a chance to see other people, even if it is from a distance.

You can find more of our advice for staying well during lockdown here.