Organisers of virtual festival donate PPE to our carers

Staff at our Newtown branch received a donation of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and other essentials from the organisers of a virtual festival (July, 2020).

PPE donation to Abacare

Safe & Sound showcased musicians from Welshpool playing to help raise money for equipment for frontline care givers.

SallyAnn Rogers, who organised the Safe & Sound festival, said: “When the news of the Coronavirus first hit it was very shocking to hear that staff in the care industry and in care homes were suffering from a lack of PPE.

“I wanted to do something to help and so organised musicians from the Welshpool area to put on a live festival and share the joy of local music with as many people as possible, helping others to enjoy a day of free live entertainment online while also raising money to purchase essentials such as hand sanitiser and face coverings.

“The pandemic has reached all corners of the world and has highlighted those that are more in need than ever and shown many of us that we must do something to help each other and there is no better way than supporting our own front-line workers.”

The festival raised £2,500 and allowed the organisers to purchase hand sanitiser, gloves and face coverings, and distribute them among care staff in the area.

One of the companies to receive a donation was Abacare, which has an office in Newtown and provides care in the surrounding areas.

We are so grateful to SallyAnn and the other organisers of the virtual festival for thinking of us and very kindly donating the hand sanitisers and face coverings to us.

PPE donation to Abacare2

All of our carers wear PPE on a daily basis when looking after our elderly and vulnerable service users, however, like hospitals, surgeries and other care companies across the country, this has had to be stepped up during the Coronavirus outbreak.

Our work in the community is essential and we’re protecting those who need care from the virus, which is still out there, so any PPE we can get is a real help. We’d like to thank SallyAnn for the donation, everything has been extremely useful and gives an extra bit of reassurance to carers and service users.”