Could you or your loved-one benefit from respite care?

Short-term respite care might help you if you are an unpaid carer, looking after a family member alongside your own job and other family commitments.

respite care

It is important, if you are providing care for someone, that you ensure you get a well-earned break. If you don’t, you won’t be able to provide the care to their best of your ability.

For a minimum of two weeks, we can provide an experienced and fully trained live-in carer. They will come in and continue the care for your loved-one. This helps reduce avoidable hospital admission and means there is little disruption to your loved-one’s regular day and their care plan.

Our respite care is centred on you, your loved one and your home. We have many families that ask us for on-going respite as this enables them to plan their breaks throughout the year in advance.

The benefits of respite care

  • It provides a break for you as the carer and your loved-one. It’s refreshing to see a different face and get to know someone new.
  • It provides additional support, which improves the coping ability of both parties
  • Having a professional carer come in can help you too. They will be happy to answer any questions you might have. They’ll also be able to advise on your loved-one’s current care plan.

You can find out more about our respite care services here. Alternatively, we have also put together a blog post of tips you can follow on a daily basis to help alleviate stress.