Helping someone with dementia at mealtimes

Mealtimes can be difficult for a person with dementia. The condition can cause problems with coordination and remembering the processes involved with eating and drinking.


They might also have issues using cutlery.

Our carers are well trained in helping our service users with dementia through their mealtimes and we are passing on all the helpful advice they have gleaned over the years to help you make it a much more relaxed and happy occasion.

Encourage independence

It’s important to assist and prompt a person with dementia with their meal and the preparation of their meal instead of doing everything for them. This is unless they are physically unable to. It’s a great way for them to retain independence and you can help them use their functional skills by asking them to cut up veg, meats or help to lay the table.

Stick to a routine

For people with dementia, mealtimes can mark a significant part of the day, which helps them to keep track of time, so it’s important they eat at the same time each day. This can help the person feel more relaxed and in control.

Avoid distractions

Try to avoid playing background music or having the television on, as this can be a distraction. Flowers or centre pieces can also be distracting, so best to clear these away. Also try to avoid having too many food choices available as this can cause confusion.