Looking out for loved-one’s mental health

It’s super important that we look out for our elderly loved-one’s mental health. Especially as we have recently come out of our firebreaker lockdown in Wales.

Mental health

A recent survey by the Alzheimer’s Society of around 2,000 people with dementia found that 45% said the lockdowns have had a negative impact on their mental health.

We’ve put together some top tips on how you can look out for your loved ones. Please make sure you do so responsibly and follow all social distancing guidelines.

Keep communicating

Talking to one another is the best way to get our worries off our chests. Even a short chat on the doorstep at a distance can help and make people feel connected and less lonely. Listen to your loved-one’s thoughts and feelings and subtly check they are feeling good.

If a face-to-face chat isn’t possible, then opt for a phone call or even a video call.

See the signs

Signs that a loved-one is struggling with their mental health can show themselves physically. These are easier to notice if your loved-one is in your support bubble and you see them regularly, or are their carer.

Signs they are struggling include changes in their sleeping or eating patterns, difficult concentrating, weight loss or gain, a lack of motivation, or sudden changes in their mood.

If these signs start to show on a regular basis, it’s a good idea to speak to your loved-one’s GP.

Spend time outdoors

If they are mobile, spending time outside can be a huge help for your loved-one. Why not suggest a socially distanced walk in an open space? Be sure you observe all the COVID rules relevant for your area at all times.

If it’s not the ideal weather for walking, make sure you follow our tips here on wrapping up warm if you’re heading outside.

Our carers ensure our service users see a friendly face daily, but many others don’t have this, so we’re urging people to step-up their contact with the elderly members of their community, but doing it, clearly, at a safe social distance.

Looking after someone else can be a struggle on you mentally and physically, so make sure there is help from family and friends available.

You can find more info on looking after elderly loved-one’s mental health here.