
Can a care robot boost independence and reduce loneliness?

A culturally aware robot called Pepper, created by third year robotics and science students at Middlesex University, has recently spoken in Parliament about how it and other robots can care for the nation’s elderly populations in care homes and at home. During a recent Education Committee meeting Pepper explained that another similar robot is part […]

The benefits of slow cookers for the elderly

We’re big advocates of the elderly being able to lead as much of an independent life as possible while still in their own homes. Being able to prepare their own meals is a big part of living independently and while they might not be able to rustle up the grand dinners they might have done […]

106-year-old believed to be one of oldest nationwide to remain in own home

One-hundred-and-six-year-old Searson Thompson from Aberdyfi is believed to be one of Wales’ and the UK’s oldest men to remain living in his own home (January, 2018). Searson, who recently (December, 2017) celebrated turning 106-years-old, receives regular visits from our carers and we believe it is very important that elderly people are able to remain in […]