
Create a wildlife haven in your garden

We recently shared our tips on making your garden hedgehog-friendly, but if you want to also attract other wildlife to your plot, read on for our handy advice. The creation of a wildlife garden will attract a diversity of wild creatures. It will go some way towards redressing the balance of human interference with nature, […]

Get Gardening – winter container colour

There’s just as much opportunity to get gardening in the winter as there is in the summer. Winter doesn’t need to mean no colour in your garden, as you can still plant up containers and hanging baskets with lots of lovely plants. As part of our #GetGardening series, we’ve popped our handy hints below on […]

#GetGardening – Making gardening easier for the elderly

Although autumn is fast approaching, there is still lot to be done in the garden at this time of year. As part of our #GetGardening series, we’ll be giving you lots of helpful tips and advice on what you can be planting during the cooler days of autumn and what jobs you can be doing […]

#GetGardening – small jobs to do in the garden this month

August is the best month to enjoy your garden, so make sure you put aside some time to kick-back, relax and appreciate it from the comfort of your garden furniture. Gardening can be far from back breaking work, it is great for taking your mind off things and getting away from the stresses of life. […]

#GetGardening – sow your own cabbages

Cabbages are packed with nutrients, including vitamin C and K and they also help improve digestion and help to lower blood pressure too. So, if you’d like to grow your own this year, then now is the perfect time to start sowing. Just follow our top tips as part of our #GetGardening campaign: If you […]

#GetGardening – gardens to encourage butterflies

This week in our #GetGardening series, we’re letting you know all about the plants that encourage butterflies and other insects to the garden. Butterflies are fans of simple, open blooms and these can include bedding plants, perennials, flowering shrubs and bulbs, so there’s plenty to choose from if you’re planning some butterfly friendly planting schemes […]

#GetGardening – growing sunflowers

There are many benefits of gardening for the elderly and introducing easy to grow and care for flowering plants at this time of year can give a great deal of pleasure, thus helping boost mental and physical health through the activity. Sunflowers are the perfect plant to grow to cheer up the garden, just imagine […]

Making a loved-one’s garden age-friendly

With the Great British weather vastly improving and the lighter evenings, it’s time we all started enjoying our gardens. If you have an elderly loved-one, a family friend or neighbour who has a garden that needs a bit of a makeover, we’ve put together some top tips for creating a space that’s age-friendly and can […]

Tips for the elderly to keep windowsill herbs

We have previously blogged about how gardening can help the elderly and the benefits it has on the mind and body. It’s also a great way to get outside into the fresh air and connect with the natural world, however some older people may not be mobile enough to get out into the garden and […]

How gardening can help the elderly

Many people might be under the illusion that gardening is back-breaking work, only for the young and more mobile among us but they couldn’t be more wrong! Gardening is great for people of all ages and has many benefits for the mind and body. Our carers regularly encourage service users to get into the garden […]